After School Care

After-school Care that's fun & freeing

Long Acres Farm offers outdoor, farm-based after-school care for children of all ages. Participants enjoy daily farm responsibilities, “free range” child-led play time, and homework support from a licensed K-6 teacher. Fishing, canoeing, horseback riding, learning new skills, practicing crafts, and organized games are among some of the additional pastimes children enjoy weekly.


Please complete our inquiry form to contact Alison about after-school care for the 2022-2023 school year. 

After School Care in Saxapahaw NC
Outdoor Time in Nature

Whether it's a tire swing, chasing bugs & watching birds, or just running around in the grass, unstructured time for outdoor play is essential for well-being.

After school day care in Saxapahaw NC
Horseback Riding & Learning New Skills

Long Acres Farm is more than just a place to wait until the parents show up. It's a place to learn, to explore and to develop new skills and confidence.

Daily Schedule

Monday-Friday 3pm-6pm
